certification in meditation






Meditation Instructor Certificate Courses

Getting Certified as a Meditation Teacher / Instructor

There are a number of great options today for learning to teach meditation, deepening your own practice, and becoming certified as a meditation instructor.

The ideal program will be of sufficient time to absorb the material into your own practice. Good courses will likely take several months or longer to complete (certainly not "weeks"). The program should also include documented (and reviewed) practice, along with other reviewed course work that challenges you to work what you're learning into your practice - and later, into your teaching.

Some programs are done fully online (with sufficient interaction) - some are done fully in-house - and others are done in a hybrid format with an online component (to access materials, submit course work, interaction with other students, etc.), and a live practice component.

There are also excellent university sponsored Mindfulness programs beginning to appear - in both non-traditional and traditional schools. Examples would be our C.MI Meditation Instructor Certification Program (Certified by the University of Holistic Theology) - and the University of Massachusetts (U-Mass) Medical School's Mindfulness (MBSR) Teacher Certification Program, among others.

Note that while certification is technically not required to teach meditation privately (in the USA, as well as many other countries), it is expected (in almost all cases) that the teacher will have gone through a structured study and practice program - and be certified to teach. Professional standards have become commonplace - and a quality course will help prepare you for the path ahead.

To Learn More about the C.MI
Meditation Instructor Certification Program with UHT, please visit the official course page below:
C.MI. Meditation Instructor Certification Program


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